Lavaca Dental


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How do you heal cracked corners of your mouth?

Have you ever experienced cracks in the corners of your mouth? Well, most of us have, and it is an oral condition known as cheilitis. Alternately known as ‘perleche’, cheilitis manifests as dry and blistered lips, pain, bleeding and swelling of lips, followed by lesions in the corners of the mouth.

There are two main types of cheilitis – one caused by external factors and the other caused by internal factors. External or contact cheilitis occurs due to allergic reactions to cosmetics or drugs and exposure to extreme heat or cold or the sun. The internal causes of cheilitis include oral infection, autoimmune disorders, vitamin deficiencies, and age-related factors. First, let us find out the root causes of angular cheilitis and how to prevent them.

Causes of cheilitis

  1.  Research has identified approximately 30 allergens in toothpaste, and they are common in most of the tubes available in the market. In addition, other dental products like mouthwashes also contain allergens that may make you vulnerable to cheilitis. 
  2. Celiac diseases may be an underlying cause of cheilitis. It is a disease that adversely the capacity of your intestines to absorb nutrients is hampered. Therefore, angular cheilitis is a warning symptom of celiac diseases. 
  3. We know that saliva is a warehouse of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, constant licking and biting of the lips may create an environment conducive to the escalation of bacteria and fungi and lead to problems like angular cheilitis. 
  4. Research also reveals 90 per cent of cheilitis is caused due to a poor diet. Vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of cheilitis. 
  5. Skipping meals can result in binge eating and stomach ulcers and rob the body of essential nutrients. As such, the susceptibility to be diagnosed with cheilitis increases. 
  6. Dehydration is another leading causative factor of cheilitis. The absence of enough liquids in the body could reflect in the mouth as dry and cracked corners.

Ways to heal the cracked corners of the mouth

The best way to treat cheilitis is avoidance of the causative product and allergen if identified. You can also use a lip product with sunscreen as it will protect your lips from further damage. Application of a topical antibacterial or antifungal treatment is also advisable. Regular application of moisturizing lip balm may help in treating cheilitis. Tea tree oil which is a fantastic antimicrobial agent can assist in healing cheilitis. As licking lips or biting them can also lead to cheilitis, a conscious attempt to avoid this habit may prevent cheilitis. 

We know that prevention is better than cure, and the phrase is the most relatable when it comes to dental health. You must be mindful of the ingredients we put on our lips and inside our mouths. Patch testing lipsticks and other makeup products become crucial. Eating vegetables and fruits abundant in vitamin A, vitamin B12, and zinc is necessary. Moreover, timely meals with lots of water and fluids are vital in keeping cheilitis at bay. 

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